Monday, November 5, 2007

1012043 Calculation is not allowed for virtual member memberName in the Calc script

Possible Problems
The calculation script tried to set the value of a Dynamic Calc member or request the calculation of a Dynamic Calc member.

Possible Solutions
Dynamic Calc members are calculated at query time if a query requests the value of the member. They cannot be calculated through calculation scripts. Make sure that the Dynamic Calc member is not on the left side of the equation; for example, if Qtr1 is Dynamic Calc, the following equation is incorrect:

Qtr1 = Jan + Feb + Mar;

If Qtr1 is Dynamic Calc, the following equation is also incorrect:

vbb Qtr1;

The following equation is correct, if Year is not Dynamic Calc, but Qtr1 and Qtr2 are Dynamic Calc:

Year = Qtr1 + Qtr2;

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