Wednesday, October 31, 2007

1012029 Invalid target range range of DCOPY command

Possible Problems
The DATACOPY command did not have the same number of members in the source range as the target range.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the source range (the set of members you are copying from) has the same number of members as the target range (the set of members you are copying to).
Make sure that the DATACOPY command is correct.

1012028 commandName command must be fixed on a CURPARTITION member

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot use the CCONV command without a currency partition defined.

Possible Solutions
When using the CCONV command, make sure that all members that appear inside the FIX command belong to the CURPARTITION dimension.

1012027 No dimension is tagged CURPARTITION, commandName command cannot be fixed on any member

Possible Problems
Analytic Services tried to FIX on a member of the CURPARTITION dimension but the CURPARTITION dimension is not defined for the database.

Possible Solutions
When using the CCONV command, make sure that all members that appear inside the FIX command belong to the CURPARTITION dimension and that the CURPARTITION dimension is correctly defined.

1012026 commandName command can only be fixed on a CURPARTITION member

Possible Problems
Analytic Services tried to FIX on a member that was not a member of the CURPARTITION dimension.

Possible Solutions
When using the CCONV command, make sure that all members that appear inside the FIX command belong to the CURPARTITION dimension.

1012025 No Currency Database has been set on this database

Possible Problems
Analytic Services tried to perform a calculation that required a currency database but no currency database existed.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the main database is linked to the currency database.
Make sure that the main database can connect to the currency database. First, try the following two steps:
Stop and then start the application.
Make sure that the main database is linked to the currency database.
If these steps do not work, perform the following steps on the application and main database:
Stop the application and main database.
Rename the main database $ARBORPATH/app/applicationName/databaseName/databaseName.db file to something else.
Create a new application and database.
Move the databaseName.db file you created in step 3 to the application and database you stopped in step 1.
Restart the application you stopped in step 1.

1012024 Cannot aggregate dimension dimensionName with restricted member memberName

Possible Problems
The calculation script contains a calculation that tries to aggregate a dimension after restricting the calculation to a member of the same dimension.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the dimension is correctly positioned in the FIX statement. If you fix on a member, you can aggregate only that member. For example, the following FIX statement is incorrect because the FIX is on the Sales member, but the statement tries to aggregate Measures, which is a dimension:


The following FIX statement is correct:
FIX (Sales)
AGG (Sales);

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

1012023 Aggregating on Dense Dimension dimensionName is currently not supported

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot use the AGG command with dense dimensions.

Possible Solutions
Check the calculation script to make sure that you are not using the AGG command on a dimension tagged as dense.

1012021 Calc Script command calculationScriptCommand is incomplete

Possible Problems
The listed calculation script command was not complete.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the calculation script command contains all pertinent data.

Are any flow control commands not closed, such as a FIX command without an ENDFIX command, or a LOOP command without an ENDLOOP command?
Are semicolons missing?
Are all left parentheses closed by right parentheses?

1012019 Calc Script block delimiter delimiterName not balanced delimiterName

Possible Problems
The calculation script did not have the correct number of opening or closing parentheses.

Possible Solutions
Check the calculation script to add the missing parenthesis or delete the extra parenthesis.

1012018 Redeclared dimension dimensionName in AGG command

Possible Problems
The dimension name was declared more than once in a single AGG command.

Possible Solutions
Check the calculation script and remove the extra dimension name declarations.

Monday, October 29, 2007

1012017 Cannot calculate dimension dimensionName with restricted member memberName

Possible Problems
The calculation script contained a calculation that tried to calculate a dimension after restricting the calculation to a member of the same dimension.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the dimension is correctly positioned in the FIX statement. If you fix on a member, you can calculate only that member in the same dimension. For example, the following FIX statement is incorrect because the FIX is on the Sales member, which is part of the the Measures dimension, but the statement tries to calculate the entire Measures dimension:

CALC DIM Measures;

1012016 Cannot calculate dimension member memberName with restricted member memberName

Possible Problems
The calculation script contained a calculation that tried to calculate a member after restricting the calculation to a different member in the same dimension.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the member is correctly positioned in the FIX statement. If you fix on a member, you can calculate only that member. For example, the following FIX statement is incorrect because the FIX is on the Sales member, but the statement tries to calculate Profit, which is a different member:


The following FIX statement is correct:
FIX (Sales)

1012015 CALC ALL cannot be used in restricted calculation

Possible Problems
Analytic Services encountered a CALC ALL command inside a FIX-ENDFIX command block.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the CALC ALL command is not used inside FIX-ENDFIX command blocks. The CALC ALL command calculates the entire database but the FIX command fixes on a part of the database and calculates only that part.

1012013 Calc Script Error - Unexpected End of File reached

Possible Problems
The calculation script contained a comment open symbol /*, but did not contain a matching comment close symbol */.

Possible Solutions
Add the comment close symbol */ at the end of the comment.

1012012 The array variable range specifier dimensionName is not a dimension

Possible Problems
The dimension in the calculation script that determines the size of the array variable was not a valid dimension.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the dimension name is valid.
Does the dimension exist in the outline?
Is the dimension spelled correctly, including spaces? Instead of typing in the member, try associating the correct outline with the calculation script and using the Calc Script Editor to fill in the member name.
If the dimension name contains special characters, such as spaces, make sure that the dimension name is enclosed in quotation marks.
Make sure that the dimension name is enclosed in brackets [dimensionName] in the calculation script.
Make sure that the ARRAY command in the calculation script is valid.

1012011 Variable name variableName conflicts with member name

Possible Problems
The name assigned to the listed variable was the same as the name of a member in the outline.

Possible Solutions
Assign the variable a unique name. Remember that the variable name must be 32 bytes or fewer and must follow Analytic Services naming rules. Make sure that you are declaring the variable correctly before you use it.

1012010 Redeclared Variable name variableName

Possible Problems
The variable was declared more than once in a single calculation script.

Possible Solutions
Check the calculation script and remove the extra variable declarations. Make sure that you are declaring the variable correctly before you use it.

1012009 Variable name variableName too long

Possible Problems
Analytic Services encountered a variable name that is too long. Variable names must be no more than 32 bytes.

Possible Solutions
Find the variable name and make it 32 bytes or fewer.
Make sure that the dimension name is valid.

Make sure that you are declaring the variable correctly before you use it.

1012005 Invalid dimension name dimensionName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services encountered an invalid dimension name in the calculation script.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the dimension name is valid.

Does the dimension still exist in the outline? This message usually occurs when a dimension has been deleted from the outline but not from the calculation script. If a dimension does not exist in the outline, delete all references to that dimension and its members from the calculation script.
Is the dimension name spelled correctly, including spaces?
If the dimension name contains special characters, such as spaces, make sure that the dimension name is enclosed in quotation marks.
Instead of typing in the dimension name, try associating the correct outline with the calculation script and using the Calc Script Editor to fill in the dimension name.

1012004 Invalid member name memberName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services encountered an invalid member name in the calculation script.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the member name is valid.

Does the member still exist in the outline? This error message usually occurs when a member has been deleted from the outline but not from the calculation script. If a member does not exist in the outline, delete all references to that member from the calculation script.
Is the member name spelled correctly, including spaces?
If the member name contains special characters, such as spaces, periods, or numbers only, make sure that the member name is enclosed in quotation marks.
Instead of typing in the member name, try associating the correct outline with the calculation script and using the Calc Script Editor to fill in the member name.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

1012001 Invalid Calc Script syntax calculationCommandWithErrors

Possible Problems
Analytic Services encountered a syntax error in a calculation script.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the calculation script is valid.

Is everything enclosed in quotation marks that needs to be?
Can you verify the syntax of the calculation script in the Calc Script Editor?
Are all member names correct, including spaces? Member names with spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks.
Do all formulas have the correct syntax?
Do the commands that define calculation behavior, such as SET, have the correct syntax?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

1054022 Cannot copy application applicationName while database databaseName is in archive or read only mode

Possible Problems
The database was in read-only mode because someone was archiving the database.

Possible Solutions
Wait until the archival process, starting with the BEGINARCHIVE command and ending with the ENDARCHIVE command, is finished. If the archival process is finished, be sure to issue the ENDARCHIVE command.

1054019 Cannot modify settings for application applicationName while application is loaded and user who has modified the settings is logged in

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot modify the settings for the listed application.

Possible Solutions
Log off other users.
Unload the application.
Reload the application.
Change the settings. Make sure you are using the SETAPPSTATE command correctly.


Possible Problems
Analytic Services shut down because it received an invalid shutdown command.

Possible Solutions
Do not close the Analytic Server window by clicking the "X" in the title bar.
Make sure that the Analytic Services computer has enough resources. Consult the Analytic Services Installation Guide for a list of system requirements. If a resource-intensive application, such as a relational database, is running on the same computer, the resource-intensive application may be using the resources that Analytic Services needs.
After you restart Analytic Server, check to see if the database is corrupt.

1054012 Invalid syntax in filter line incorrectFilter

Possible Problems
The security filter had a syntax error.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you created the filter correctly.

1054011 Loading database databaseName is not currently permitted

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot load the listed database.

Possible Solutions
In Administration Services, make sure that Allow Database to Start is checked.

1054009 Application applicationName is currently not accepting connections

Possible Problems
Users cannot log on to the listed application.

Possible Solutions
In Administration Services, make sure that Allow Connects is checked.
In ESSCMD, make sure that you are using the ENABLELOGIN command correctly.

1054007 Application applicationName not responding

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot connect to the listed application.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that Analytic Services is installed correctly. If necessary, reinstall Analytic Services.
Make sure that the following environment variables are set correctly:
Stop and restart Analytic Server.
Make sure that the block size is in the recommended range.
Increase the data cache size to hold at least 100 blocks.
Increase the values for NETDELAY and NETRETRYCOUNT.
Check for the $ARBORPATH/app/applicationName/databaseName/databaseName.db file. If there is no databaseName.db file, rename the databaseName.dbb file to databaseName.db.
Check for the $ARBORPATH/app/applicationName/databaseName/ file. If there is no file, rename the databaseName.apb file to
Check to see if the database is corrupt.

1054006 Cannot terminate application applicationName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot stop the listed application.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that Analytic Server is running.

If Analytic Server is not running, restart Analytic Server.
If Analytic Server crashed, follow the procedures for an abnormal shutdown.
If Analytic Server is frozen, stop Analytic Server and follow the procedures for an abnormal shutdown. If you cannot stop Analytic Server using the standard methods, end the task.

1054004 Application applicationName is not loaded

Possible Problems
Analytic Services tried to perform an operation on the listed application, but the application was not loaded.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you load an application before you use it.

1054003 Error number loading application: applicationName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot load the listed application.

Possible Solutions
Stop and restart Analytic Server.
Copy the $ARBORPATH/app/applicationName/databaseName/databaseName.dbb file to $ARBORPATH/app/applicationName/databaseName/databaseName.db.
Check to see if the database is corrupt.
Run only one application at a time.
Delete the $ARBORPATH/app/applicationName/databaseName/databaseName.esm file, stop and restart Analytic Server, and try to open the application again.

1054002 Loading application applicationName is not currently permitted

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot load the listed application.

Possible Solutions
In Administration Services, make sure that Allow users to start application is selected.
Delete all essXXXX.tmp files in the $ARBORPATH\APP\applicationName\databaseName directory.
Check to see if the database is corrupt.

1054001 Cannot load application applicationName with error number number - see server log file

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot load the listed application because of the listed error.

Possible Solutions
Check the Analytic Server log for more details about the listed error.
Check to see if the listed application is corrupt.
Increase the values for NETDELAY and NETRETRYCOUNT.
Make sure that the block size is within the recommended range.
Make sure that the following environment variables are set correctly:
Make sure that Analytic Server and the Analytic Services client are installed correctly.
Run REGISTER.EXE again to make sure that your license number is correct and that your ports are activated. Consult the Analytic Services Installation Guide.
If the application was copied or deleted using file system controls (such as Windows Explorer or the cp or rm commands), create a dummy application with the original name and use Analytic Services copy or delete the application correctly.

1053024 Cannot create temporary file

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot open a temporary file. Analytic Services needs to open the temporary file to create an object, such as a rules file, before saving the object to the remote Analytic Server computer.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you have enough disk space.
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges to create the temporary file.
If you are on a UNIX computer and are using the TMPDIR environment variable, make sure that the full path to the TMPDIR directory is not more than 15 characters.

1053022 Database databaseName is in read-only mode for backup

Possible Problems
The listed database is in read-only mode because the administrator issued the BEGINARCHIVE command to back up the database.

Possible Solutions
Wait until the archival process, starting with the BEGINARCHIVE command and ending with the ENDARCHIVE command, is finished. If the archival process has finished, be sure to issue the ENDARCHIVE command.

1053021 Cannot copy object objectName to itself

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot copy the listed object to itself.

Possible Solutions
Check the syntax of the ESSCMD commands.

1053020 Error writing file: fileName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot write the listed file.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you have enough disk space. If you do not have enough disk space, consider spanning disk volumes.
Make sure that the virtual memory is two to three times larger than the physical memory.
If the listed file is essbase.sec, check to see if the security file is corrupt.

1053019 Cannot rename directory: oldDirectoryName operatingSystemErrorCode

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot rename the listed directory.

Possible Solutions
See if another user has locked the file.
Make sure there is not another directory with the same name as the new directory.
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges for the old and new directories.
Make sure that you have the correct Analytic Services permissions for the listed old directory.
Check to see if the security file is corrupt.
Stop and restart the application. If that does not work, stop and restart Analytic Server.
Make sure that you have enough disk space.
Close Windows Explorer. Sometimes Explorer can hold the directory open, which can lead to the error.
If none of these suggested solutions work, create a new application and database and copy the outline and other objects to the new application and database. When you are finished, make sure that the new application and database are not corrupt.
Make sure the OLAP Server is running.
If Analytic Server is not running, restart Analytic Server.
If Analytic Server crashed, follow the procedures for an abnormal shutdown.
If Analytic Server is frozen, stop Analytic Server and follow the procedures for an abnormal shutdown. If you cannot stop Analytic Server using the standard methods, end the task.

1053018 Operation not permitted on outline objects

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot perform the operation on outline objects.

Possible Solutions
You cannot delete, copy, or rename an outline. Instead you must delete, copy, or rename the database.

1053017 Cannot open log file for application applicationName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot open the application log file for the listed application.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges for the listed application.
Make sure that you have the correct Analytic Services permissions for the listed file.
Make sure that you have enough disk space.
If the application was copied or deleted using file system controls (such as Windows Explorer or the cp or rm commands), create a dummy application with the original name and use Analytic Services copy or delete the application correctly.

1053016 Cannot open temporary file

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot open a temporary file to save the security file.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you have enough disk space.
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges.

1053015 Object objectName already exists

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot create the listed object because it already exists.

Possible Solutions
If the application was copied or deleted using file system controls (such as Windows Explorer or the cp or rm commands), create a dummy application with the original name and use Analytic Services copy or delete the application correctly.

1053014 Object objectName does not exist

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot find the listed object.

Possible Solutions
If the application was copied or deleted using file system controls (such as Windows Explorer or the cp or rm commands), create a dummy application with the original name and use Analytic Services copy or delete the application correctly.
If you are using partitions, make sure that the listed file exists at the source and at the target.
Check to see if the security file is corrupt.
Make sure that you have enough disk space.

1053012 Object objectName is locked by user userName

Possible Problems
The listed object is locked by the listed user.

Possible Solutions
Wait a few minutes to allow the other active user's process to finish and retry the operation.
If necessary, unlock the file.
If this happens frequently, make sure that users are logging off Analytic Services correctly.
Stop and restart Analytic Server.

1053011 Object objectName is not locked by user userName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot unlock the listed object because it is not locked.

Possible Solutions
See if another user has locked the file.
Stop and restart Analytic Server.
Check to see if the database is corrupt.

1053010 Object objectName is already locked by user userName

Possible Problems
The object you are trying to lock is locked by the listed user.

Possible Solutions
Wait a few minutes to allow the other active user's process to finish and retry the operation.
If necessary, unlock the file.
If this error happens frequently, make sure that users are logging off Analytic Services correctly.
Stop and restart Analytic Server.

1053009 Cannot delete object objectName

Possible Problems
The operating system will not allow Analytic Services to delete the listed object.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges for the listed object.
Make sure that the object name is valid.

1053008 Cannot create object objectName

Possible Problems
The operating system will not allow Analytic Services to create the listed object.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges for the listed object.
Make sure that the object name is valid.
Make sure that the object name (including the entire path) is not more than 256 characters. If it is longer than 256 characters, the object name will be trunacted in the error message.

1053007 Cannot rename object originalName to newName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot rename the listed object.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges for the listed object.
Make sure that the new name is valid.
Make sure that an object using the new name does not already exist.

1053006 Invalid object type

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot open the object because it is not a recognized type. Analytic Services recognizes Analytic Services objects, such as applications, outlines, database files, alias tables, rules files, and linked reporting objects. Analytic Services also recognizes some external objects, such as spreadsheet files.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that Analytic Server and the client (such as Spreadsheet Add-in) are at the same release level.

1053005 Database directory does not exist: directoryName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot find the listed database directory.

Possible Solutions
If the application was copied or deleted using file system controls (such as Windows Explorer or the cp or rm commands), create a dummy application with the original name and use Analytic Services copy or delete the application correctly.
Make sure that the directory exists in the correct location.
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges for the listed directory.
See if another user has locked the directory.
Make sure that the following environment variables are set correctly:
Make sure that the security file is not corrupt.
If you are using ESSCMD, make sure that the application directory used in the ESSCMD command is correct.

1053004 Cannot create database directory: directoryName operatingSystemErrorCode

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot create the listed database directory.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges for the listed file and directory.
Make sure that you have enough disk space.
Make sure that the following environment variables are set correctly:

1053003 Application directory does not exist: directoryName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot find the listed application directory.

Possible Solutions
If the application was copied or deleted using file system controls (such as Windows Explorer or the cp or rm commands), create a dummy application with the original name and use Analytic Services copy or delete the application correctly.
Make sure that the directory exists in the correct location.
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges for the listed directory.
See if another user has locked the directory.
Make sure that the following environment variables are set correctly:
Make sure that the security file is not corrupt.
If you are using ESSCMD, make sure that the application directory specified in the ESSCMD command is correct.

1053002 Cannot create application directory: directoryName operatingSystemErrorCode

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot create the listed application directory.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges for the listed file and directory.
Make sure that you have enough disk space.
Make sure that the following environment variables are set correctly:

1053001 Cannot open object file: fileName

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot open the listed file.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that you have the correct operating system privileges for the listed file and directory.
If the application was copied or deleted using file system controls (such as Windows Explorer or the cp or rm commands), create a dummy application with the original name and use Analytic Services copy or delete the application correctly.
Make sure that the block size is within the recommended range.
Make sure that the file name (including the entire path) is not more than 256 characters. If it is longer than 256 characters, the file name will be trunacted in the error message.
See if another user has locked the file.
Make sure that the file exists. If the file does not exist, restore the file from backups.
Make sure that you have enough memory.
If the listed file is essbase.sec, make sure that the security file is not read-only at the operating system level.
If the listed file is essbase.sec, make sure that the security file is not corrupt.
If you are using the BEGINARCHIVE command, specify a directory for the archive.
Stop and restart Analytic Server.

1052005 You have been forced to disconnect from the selected application

Possible Problems
Analytic Services has no connection to the selected application.

Possible Solutions
You might have been disconnected because you were timed out, logged out by an administrator, or the application stopped. Connect to the selected application again.

1052004 Timed out writing to server

Possible Problems
Analytic Services timed out before it could write to the server.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the block size is within the recommended range.
Make sure that the following environment variables are set correctly:
Make sure that the network is functioning correctly. Check the previous messages in the application log for network error messages.
Stop and restart Analytic Server.
Increase the values for NETDELAY and NETRETRYCOUNT.
Increase the values for AGENTDELAY.
If you do not have an $ARBORPATH/bin/essbase.cfg file on the server computer, create one using a text editor.
In the $ARBORPATH/bin/essbase.cfg file on the server computer, add or increase the value for AGENTDELAY.
Stop and restart Analytic Server.
Make sure that Analytic Server and the Analytic Services client are installed correctly.
Check to see if any databases are corrupt.

1052003 Timed out reading from server

Possible Problems
Analytic Services timed out before it could read from the server.

Possible Solutions
Make sure that the block size is within the recommended range.
Make sure that the following environment variables are set correctly:
Make sure that the network is functioning correctly. Check the previous messages in the application log for network error messages.
Stop and restart Analytic Server.
Increase the values for NETDELAY and NETRETRYCOUNT.
Increase the values for AGENTDELAY.
If you do not have an $ARBORPATH/bin/essbase.cfg file on the server computer, create one using a text editor.
In the $ARBORPATH/bin/essbase.cfg file on the server computer, add or increase the value for AGENTDELAY.
Stop and restart Analytic Server.
Make sure that Analytic Server and the Analytic Services client are installed correctly.
Check to see if any databases are corrupt.

1052002 Error writing to server

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot write to Analytic Server, probably because Analytic Server was stopped incorrectly.

Possible Solutions
Check to see if Analytic Server is running.
If Analytic Server is not running, restart Analytic Server.
If Analytic Server crashed, follow the procedures for an abnormal shutdown.
If Analytic Server is frozen, stop Analytic Server and follow the procedures for an abnormal shutdown. If you cannot stop Analytic Server using the standard methods, end the task.
Make sure that the block size is within the recommended range.
Make sure that the license number is correct and that the license number supports all the features that you are using. If you just migrated, make sure that you followed the migration information correctly. Check the Analytic Services Installation Guide.
Check to see if the security file is corrupt.
Make sure that you have enough disk space.
Check to see if any databases are corrupt.

1052001 Error reading from server

Possible Problems
Analytic Services cannot read from Analytic Server, probably because Analytic Server was stopped incorrectly.

Possible Solutions
Check to see if Analytic Server is running.
If Analytic Server is not running, restart Analytic Server.
If Analytic Server crashed, follow the procedures for an abnormal shutdown.
If Analytic Server is frozen, stop Analytic Server and follow the procedures for an abnormal shutdown. If you cannot stop Analytic Server using the standard methods, end the task.
Make sure that the following environment variables are set correctly:
Make sure that Analytic Server and the Analytic Services client are installed correctly.
Make sure that the license number is correct and that the license number supports all the features that you are using. If you just migrated, make sure that you followed the migration information correctly. Check the Analytic Services Installation Guide.
Increase the values for NETDELAY and NETRETRYCOUNT.
Check to see if the security file is corrupt.
If you are on a UNIX computer, check the user limit profile.
Check to see if any databases are corrupt.

1051022 Password too short -- must be at least number characters

Possible Problems
The password you have created does not meet the minimum number of characters. This number is set by your systems administrator. The default value is six.

Possible Solutions
Create a password with a larger number of characters.

1051021 You have been logged out due to inactivity or explicitly by the supervisor.

Possible Problems
You have been inactive for a period of time sufficient to cause the system to log you off.
Your system administrator or supervisor has logged you off.

Possible Solutions
Log in to the system and resume your processes.
See your system administrator or supervisor.

1051020 Cannot log yourself out!

Possible Problems
This message is intended for administrators. You do not have sufficient privileges to log yourself out.

Possible Solutions
See your Analytic Services systems administrator.

1051019 Cannot alter your own access level

Possible Problems
You do not have sufficient privileges to alter your access level.

Possible Solutions
See your Analytic Services systems administrator.

1051018 Cannot rename to same name!

Possible Problems
You are attempting to change a user name to their current name.

Possible Solutions
Use a different user name.

1051017 Cannot delete yourself!

Possible Problems
You do not have sufficient privileges to delete yourself.

Possible Solutions
See your Analytic Services systems administrator.

1051016 Cannot rename yourself!

Possible Problems
You do not have sufficient privileges to rename yourself.

Possible Solutions
See your Analytic Services systems administrator.

1051014 User/group user name/group name already exists

Possible Problems
You are attempting to create a user or group with a name already assigned to a user or group.

Possible Solutions
Use a different user name or group name.

1051013 User/group user name/group name does not exist

Possible Problems
You are attempting to perform a maintenance or administrative process on a user that does not exist.

Possible Solutions
Verify the name of the user or group.

1051012 User user name does not exist

Possible Problems
You are attempting to perform a maintenance or administrative process on a user that does not exist.
You are attempting to attempting to log in with an invalid user ID.

Possible Solutions
Verify the name of the user.

1051011 System timed out error number

Possible Problems
Most likely there are too many users on the system, or there may be other resource constraints.

Possible Solutions
Try logging in later or see your Analytic Services systems administrator.

1051009 Setting application applicationName active for user user name

Possible Problems
This is an information message indicating that you have logged into an application.

1051006 Disconnecting user user name from application applicationName

Possible Problems
This is an information message indicating that you have exited an application. Generally this occurs when you are logging into a different application.

1051004 Logins are currently not permitted

Possible Problems
Maintenance is being performed on the database and logins are not permitted while the maintenance is being performed.

Possible Solutions
Try logging in later or see your Analytic Services systems administrator.

1051003 Error error number processing request name of failed request -- disconnecting

Possible Problems
This is an information message listing the request which failed. A request generally fails due to an error condition existing prior to the request.

Possible Solutions
Review your log and find the error which preceded the failed request. Correct the error condition.

1051002 Unrecognized command: command name

Possible Problems
There is most likely a version mismatch between Analytic Server and a client.

Possible Solutions
Make sure the versions of your Analytic Server and client are compatible.

Monday, October 22, 2007

WARNING - 1003055 - Aggregate storage applications ignore update to derived cells.

WARNING - 1003055 - Aggregate storage applications ignore update to derived cells. [XXXX] cells skipped.

You will get this warning message when attempting to load data to an ASO model to a specific member that is not level zero. Solution: Analyze your data to ensure only Level 0 data is coming in, otherwise, in an ASO, the Level 0 value will aggregate over the higher level value. Keep in mind, your data load will finish successfully, this message is simply a warning regarding data being loaded to a parent member.

Essbase Error Codes

** To quickly find your error, use Ctrl + F to utilize your browser's inherent Find Function **

Error 1001000 - Unable to Open Report File [%s] on Server
Error 1001001 - Unknown Command [%s] in Report
Error 1001002 - Incorrect Syntax for Range Format in Report
Error 1001003 - Unknown Member [%s] in Report
Error 1001004 - Incorrect Format Following [%s] in Report
Error 1001005 - Unknown Member [%s] in Report
Error 1001006 - Unknown Item [%s] Ignored in Report
Error 1001008 - Unknown Member [%s] in Reset Command in Report
Error 1001009 - Unknown Member [%s] in Zoom Command in Report
Error 1001010 - Unknown Member [%s] in Zoom In Command in Report
Error 1001011 - Currency Command in Report and No Currency Database Set
Error 1001013 - Unknown Member [%s] in Dimend Command in Report
Error 1001014 - Unknown Member [%s] in Page Command in Report
Error 1001015 - Unknown Member [%s] in Row Command in Report
Error 1001016 - Unknown Member [%s] in Column Command in Report
Error 1001017 - Unable to Send Data Over Pipe in Report
Error 1001018 - Unable to Send Data Over Pipe in Report
Error 1001019 - Unable to Read Data Over Pipe in Report
Error 1001020 - Unable to Read Data Over Pipe in Report
Error 1001022 - Extractor debug input: [%s]
Error 1001023 - Not Enough Memory to Complete Command
Error 1001025 - Not Enough Memory to Complete Command
Error 1001026 - Incorrect Syntax in Row Command in Report
Error 1001027 - Incorrect Syntax in Row Command in Report
Error 1001028 - Incorrect Syntax in Column Command in Report
Error 1001029 - Incorrect Syntax in Column Command in Report
Error 1001030 - Incorrect Syntax in Page Command in Report
Error 1001031 - Incorrect Syntax in Page Command in Report
Error 1001032 - Column Width Exceeded 255 Columns in Report
Error 1001033 - Missing Closing Brace in Report
Error 1001058 - Incorrect Asymmetric Report, [%s] Records Processed
Error 1001059 - Unrecognized Relationship Code in DdbSelMbrs [%s]-ignored
Error 1001060 - Formats Too Long, Ignoring Format [%s] in Report
Error 1001062 - Member [%s] From Same Dimension As Previous Member
Error 1001063 - You do not have sufficient access to perform a lock on this database
Error 1001064 - You do not have sufficient access to perform a read on this database
Error 1001065 - Regular Extractor Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
Error 1001069 - Missing parenthesis in Link Command.
Error 1001070 - Unknown Latest Member for [%s] in Report
Error 1001071 - Unmatched parenthesis in [%s] command in Report
Error 1001072 - Syntax error in LINK Command
Error 1001073 - Members from different dimensions are selected in the LINK command.
Error 1001074 - Syntax error in LINK Command. Number of arguments exceeded the maximum of [%s].
Error 1001075 - The report contains an Attibute Aggregation member with no Attribute members present.
Error 1001076 - Member [%s] is not an attribute member.
Error 1001077 - Invalid date format in Link Command
Error 1001078 - Cannot form a valid attribute value from [%s]
Error 1001079 - Dimension [%s] does not have any base members
Error 1001080 - Report parser internal error near [%s]. Cannot continue processing.
Error 1001081 - Report parser error at [%s]. Not enough memory to continue processing.
Error 1001082 - Report scanner error. Error in Scanning command [%s] in report.
Error 1001083 - Report parser error. Cannot have more than one RESTRICT command per script.
Error 1001084 - Report parser error. Cannot have more than one ORDERBY command per script.
Error 1001085 - Report parser error. Cannot have more than one TOP command per script.
Error 1001086 - Report parser error. Cannot have more than one BOTTOM command per script.
Error 1001087 - Report parser error. Missing left parenthesis at [%s].
Error 1001088 - Report parser error. Missing right parenthesis at [%s].
Error 1001089 - Report parser error. [%s] should be a numeric value.
Error 1001090 - Report parser error. [%s] should be a positive integer value greater than zero.
Error 1001091 - Report parser error. [%s] exceeds the [256] maximum number of columns allowed in a report.
Error 1001092 - Report parser error. [%s] should be a @DATACOL()
Error 1001093 - Report parser error. Syntax error at [%s].
Error 1001094 - Report parser error. Member [%s] not found.
Error 1001095 - Report parser error. Top of Stack is reached. Command too long at [%s].
Error 1001096 - Report parser error. Missing Comma near [%s].
Error 1001097 - Report parser error. Illegal command operations near [%s]. Cannot continue processing.
Error 1001099 - Report parser error. Unknown token [%s].
Error 1001200 - Report error. Not enough memory to continue processing.
Error 1001201 - Report error. The DATACOL() argument [%s] in the ORDERBY command must have a value between [1] and the max number of columns [%s] in the report.
Error 1001202 - Report error. [%s] in the ORDERBY command is not a row member.
Error 1001203 - Report error. The DATACOL() argument [%s] in the TOP or BOTTOM command must have a value between [1] and the max number of columns [%s] in the report.
Error 1001204 - Report error. [%s] in the TOP or BOTTOM command is not a row member.
Error 1001207 - Report error. The DATACOL() arguments [%s] and [%s] in the TOP and BOTTOM commands do not match.
Error 1001208 - Report error. The DATACOL() argument [%s] in the RESTRICT command must have a value between [1] and the max number of columns [%s] in the report.
Error 1001209 - Report error. TOP or BOTTOM returned rows argument value should be greater than 0.
Error 1001210 - Report error. Row Grouping member is not the same in the existing TOP, BOTTOM and ORDERBY statements.
Error 1001211 - Report error. The number of Columns in the Report exceed the allowed maximum of [256].
Error 1001212 - Invalid field name [%s] in [%s] bytes, [%s] data pages
Error 1006026 - Data file cache size ==> [%s] bytes, [%s] data file pages
Error 1006027 - Locking the data cache pages into physical memory.
Error 1006028 - Turning off cache memory locking due to lack of physical memory. Using virtual memory to allocate the remainder of the data cache.
Error 1006029 - Turning off cache memory locking due to insufficient privileges. Using virtual memory to allocate the remainder of the data cache.
Error 1006030 - Failed to bring a data file page into cache. Data file cache is too small. Please increase the data file cache size.
Error 1006031 - Data file cache is full. Please increase the data file cache size for database [%s].
Error 1006032 - Invalid stored logical data block size [%s].
Error 1006034 - Waiting to swap a data file cache page for database [%s]. Performance could potentially be improved by increasing the data file cache size.
Error 1006035 - Error [%s] encountered while waiting for completion of a data file cache flush for database [%s].
Error 1006036 - Data cache output transfer buffer for database [%s] is unavailable.
Error 1006037 - Error [%s] encountered while waiting for an in-transit data page of database [%s].
Error 1006039 - Error [%s] encountered while waiting for an in-transit data file page of database [%s].
Error 1006040 - Unable to flush to disk a data block within database [%s].
Error 1006041 - A read from file [%s], %s.
Error 1006042 - Completion of a read from file [%s], %s.
Error 1006043 - A write to file [%s], %s.
Error 1006044 - Completion of a write to file [%s], %s.
Error 1006045 - Error [%s] encountered while attempting to create or extend a data file for database [%s].
Error 1007016 - Unknown Member [%s]
Error 1007034 - Unrecognized Token in DdbInfoRet--Ignored
Error 1007035 - Unknown Member [%s].
Error 1007042 - Actual Dimension Sizes = [%s]
Error 1007043 - Declared Dimension Sizes = [%s]
Error 1007044 - Restructuring Database [%s]
Error 1007045 - Restructuring of Database [%s] Failed
Error 1007046 - Restructuring of Database [%s] Succeeded
Error 1007047 - Restructuring of Database [%s] is not needed
Error 1007066 - Database Restructuring canceled by user [%s]
Error 1007067 - Total Restructure Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
Error 1007068 - Invalid Update Command
Error 1007069 - Restoring Data for Database [%s]
Error 1007070 - Data restore for database [%s] failed. Essbase could not restructure the database. Restore the database from archived files.
Error 1007071 - Restoring Data for Database [%s] Succeeded
Error 1007072 - Member [%s] tagged as